Decisión de la Mesa: 16.COM 3.BUR 5

The Bureau,

  1. Recalling Rule 12.2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee,
  2. Further recalling Decision 16.COM 1.BUR 3,
  3. Invites the members of the Committee to express their preference, on the basis of explanations to be provided by the Secretariat, between a presential meeting (with a possibility for observers also to attend in-person or to connect online) in Colombo, Sri Lanka or in UNESCO Headquarters, Paris (from 13 to 18 December 2021 for both options) and requests the Secretariat to organize an electronic exchange with all Committee members in this regard and publish the results nominally so that the Bureau will be able to take a decision through an online meeting before 15 October 2021;
  4. Further requests the Secretariat, in the eventuality that a different modality is selected, to propose an agenda, a provisional timetable and other necessary adjustments for the sixteenth session of the Committee that are suitable for this modality, for examination by the Bureau.
